Taxi booking widget

A widget to let customers book a taxi


Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 1

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Thanks a lot for adding your idea!

We also think this widget will be a great solution, and we already have it as our Coming Soon one - Taxi Booking - embed an online form widget to your site! (2023).

And if you have any suggestions regarding possible functionality, you’re welcome to write them in the comments :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help!

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Hi there, has anyone actually used the Taxi booking widget yet please, as according to WIX, other people are already using it, but I cannot find it …

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Hi, I currently use a booking system for a couple of months and have identified a lot of good and bad things about it. Could be interesting to talk about it

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Hi @Leader_Limousines_Le and welcome aboard Community :wave:

Sure, it would be awesome to get some insights from you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Do you know when will this widget be ready?


Thank you for your interest, @Miguel_Espinoza!

I’m afraid a Taxi booking widget isn’t on our roadmap at the moment :frowning:

But can you please describe how you see this widget, and what fields you would like to have exactly? The more details, the more chances for our devs to start considering a new widget :slight_smile:

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I saw it under the coming soon page so I thought it could be done anytime soon.

It will be an app basically to give visitors an instant quote of the taxi service.
A widget where they can enter day and time, type if service (one way or hourly) and pickup location and drop off location so we can set it up in our dashboard all the prices so it shows automatically for the visitor.


Thank you, @Miguel_Espinoza, this is very helpful!

Yes, I’m very sorry that the info on that page is somewhat misleading now. We have plans on adjusting it so that the current status of the widgets is more transparent :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help!


If you come out with this, have it so we can place an affiliate link to the ride-share company. I have a hospitality website so this would be great. :wink:


Hi @Scott and welcome aboard :wave:

Interesting idea, thanks for sharing it with us!

We’ll try to consider this opportunity when working on this app. I’ll keep you informed about any progress here :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi there. I signed up because of taxi booking widget but you guys don’t have one. Is it not misleading?


Hey there, and welcome to the Community, @Syed_Ali_abbas :wave:

I am really sorry for all the confusion this may have caused!

The Taxi Booking widget isn’t released yet, but it’s in consideration:

At the moment, this app isn’t on our immediate roadmap, but we’re actively gathering feedback to better understand what users expect from this app.

Would you mind sharing your thoughts on what features/ settings you’d love to see in this app? Your input would be really helpful :pray:

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I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request the development of a widget for our website that will facilitate the booking of transfer and taxi services for our customers.

The widget should incorporate the following features:

  1. Pickup Date and Time Selection: Customers should be able to select their desired pickup date and time.

  2. Location Entry: Users must enter both their pickup and drop-off locations.

  3. Transfer Type Selection: Initially, customers should choose between a one-way transfer or a round trip. If a round trip is selected, two calendar inputs should be provided for the return pickup date.

    Example Scenario:

    • One-way transfer:
      • Pickup Date: 20/11/2024
      • Pickup Time: 1 PM
    • Round trip:
      • Pickup Date: 20/11/2024
      • Pickup Time: 1 PM
      • Drop-off Date: 25/11/2024
      • Pickup Time: 12 AM
      • Pickup from: Airport
      • Drop-off to: Hotel
      • On the day of departure: Pickup from Hotel and drop-off to Airport.
  4. Vehicle Selection: After entering the location and date information, customers should have the option to choose a vehicle. Upon clicking the “Choose Vehicle” button, a list of available vehicles should appear, including details such as passenger capacity and luggage allowance.

  5. Booking Process: Once a vehicle is selected, a “Book Now” button should direct customers to the linked booking page.

Please let me know if you have any questions or require further clarification regarding this project. I appreciate your assistance and look forward to your response.

Thank you.

Best regards,


@Valentine_Pillay, a huge thank you for such a detailed description!

I’ve moved your suggestion to another thread where we discussed other ideas for a Taxi booking widget, and your comment will be very useful :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for your help!


Any update on this. I joined elfsight early this year when I saw Taxi booking widget. It looks like it was just hype consideration to get people excited to sign up but its been put back on consideration list after a year. Does anyone know another site that has a taxi widget i should consider?

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Hi @Sevinc_Media, I’m really sorry if our “Coming Soon” page came across as misleading. Its purpose was to list widget ideas we’re considering for the future and to gather your thoughts and use cases for them.
I really hope we’ll consider this idea, especially if other users find it interesting and promising :pray:t2:

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I would be more than happy if you could make a widget for taxi/transfer service. Valentine_Pillay already make a piece of good advice for this widget. I would like to add that would be great if in “pick-up” and “drop-off” fields would be possible to add options to choose from.


Thanks a lot for your comment and interest, @Kristaps_Salens!

Although we don’t have a Taxi Booking widget on our roadmap at the moment, we’ll be happy to consider all the ideas you shared in this thread when we decide to start working on it :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for helping us!