Hotel booking app


I would like to have a hotel reservation app with a list of available rooms and services.

To keep it simple, here is a video of what I would like:

What do you think ?

Thank you in advance.

Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 1

Hello Romano,

Thank you for submitting this request!

I’m happy to say that we have Appointment Booking widget as our Coming Soon one and it does include the feature you’re after. Please have a look at how this widget is going to look - Appointment Booking - embed a useful widget to your website! (2022).

And yes, if you have any ideas on possible features for this widget, please don’t hesitate to share them in the comments here, we will be happy to consider them all :slight_smile:

Thank you!

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Original comment from Romano Lapince transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

Hey Romano,

Thanks for your reply and for another suggestion!

Yes, I see that a payment option would be handy here, our dev team will try to consider this feature, too.

Thanks a lot for your help! :slightly_smiling_face:

Original comment from Romano Lapince transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

You’re most welcome, Romano!

We’re always happy to assist whether here or in our support channels, so don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a lovely day!

Hello @Helga, hello everyone,

I come to the news.

When will this app be released?

Do you still have development to do on it?

Where is the development of it?

Thank you in advance for your answer.

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Dear @romano97002, thank you very much for your interest!

As much as I’d love to give you a concrete date, I’m afraid I cannot :disappointed: Unfortunately, the new apps development still remains in pause due to a very difficult task of building the new Dashboard.

You know, our dev team put their backs into the new Dashboard project in order to release it as soon as possible. Once it’s done, we definitely are going to get back to developing new cool apps :pray:t2:

I’m truly sorry for this news, and I hope we will be able to show you new widgets pretty soon :slight_smile:

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*Create an hotel and flight booking please for transportation or travel sites.

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Hey there @Miguel_Espinoza :wave:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!

Would you mind sharing more details on your use-case? What fields would you like to see in the app? What features are must-have? Do you have any examples from another services that meet your case?

Any details would be really helpful :slightly_smiling_face:

Something like this one

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Got you!

We will try to think this opportunity over and hopefully, we’ll be able to implement it in one of the future updates.

Thanks a bunch for sharing your idea :wink:

Hi @Helga, hi @Max, hi everyone,

Since the appointment booking widget is now released, would it be possible to update the status of this suggestion? :wink:

Thanks in advance.


Oh, that’s a great note, thanks a lot @romano97002!

Yes, the Appointment Booking widget is already in your dashboard, and you’re most welcome to check it out: :tada:

And we’ll also be very happy to see you in our Wishlist so that we know what features we need to release first: Appointment Booking Wishlist :blush:


Hi @Helga and thank you for your response,

All right. I’ll do it right away.



display details of rooms, their availability in a calendar, the choice of options and the final price


Thank you for sharing your idea, @laurent1!

I see, it should be a full-fledged booking form with conditional logic, showing the total price based on the chosen options. I hope we’ll consider this widget in the future! :slight_smile:

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Thank you helga for your answer !:slight_smile:

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Envoyé à partir de Outlook pour iOS


Hey everyone :wave:

We previously marked this idea as “Released” after the Appointment Booking app launched. However, after reviewing the request again, we’ve decided to reopen it, as the Hotel Booking app involves more complex functionality than the Appointment Booking app.

So, feel free to share your use cases and bump up this idea :wink: