Sale price cross out image ability for sale/special pricing

Wouldnt it be awesome if in our pricing tables, we users could have the ability to make it more customizable with the ability to have a slashed-out image over top of the regular price numbers and then display a secondary number for our “sale, discount, promotional, limited-time prices”


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Also, I’m not a graphic designer so if there is a way to polish this look but still get the same visual effect to clients more than happy to hear it!

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Secondly, if we could add an import information box below the pricing for:

[*important stipulation or disclaimers] that would match the template color schemes that would be nice too vs the current workaround in adding it to the subtopic paragraph in the pricing box

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Glad to see you in our ranks, welcome :wave:

Thank you for such a thorough description of your use case! I’ll check if anything can be done with our dev team and let you know :slightly_smiling_face:

@Jarod_Kolmetz I’ve discussed your request with our devs, and, unfortunately, there is no option to customize the widget this way now. I am sorry!

However, your idea is really great and we’ll try to think about it in the future updates.

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! It’s much appreciated :heart:

Thanks hopefully it helps others in the community visualize what I’m talking about and they see value in it and help you out as well. Thanks for the fast reply

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Thanks for the update!

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Hello everyone!

I am coming with the great news - now you can show old crossed our price along with the discount in your widgets:

Guys, currently, this feature is available only in the widgets created after this release. However, the good news is that we can manually update your existing widgets on our end :slightly_smiling_face:

Check this post for more details - Pricing Table: [MAJOR UPDATE] Horizontal layout, Crossed out price + 8 new features! :zap:

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