Pricing Table: [MAJOR UPDATE] Horizontal layout, Crossed out price + 8 new features! ⚡

Hey everyone!

We’re beyond excited to finally share a major update for our Pricing Table app, packed with awesome new features that we think you’re going to love :star_struck:

What’s inside the release?

New layouts (including horizontal)

Previously, there were 3 layouts available on the Layout tab: Grid, Columns and Table:

Now, the widget has 4 new layouts, which you can find on the Appearance tab: Grid, Carousel, Classic Table and Comparison Table.


Carousel, Classic and Comparison Table get transformed into horizontal layouts on mobile:

Crossed out old price

Now, you have a great opportunity to show potential savings and captivate your audience, using the crossed out old price and discount features:

Flexible Pricing Model settings

With the new setting, you can easily configure how the price is shown in the widget. From Fixed Price to Custom - just choose the desired Pricing Model, and you’ll be fine :wink:

Move Columns to another Table

Here’s a handy feature designed to save you time! You can now easily move any column to the desired table:

Hide and Show specific tables

This feature is now at your fingertips - easily hide or show specific tables as needed.

Widget Title

Now you can add the widget title and caption in the settings:

Custom icons for Features

Our devs have introduced an option to upload the custom feature icons:

Font setting

You’ve asked and we’ve done! The font setting is on the Appearance tab for you:

Image Alt text

The widget accessibility got enhanced with a new Image Alt Text setting:

Button Corner Radius

This setting is available in the Button section on the Appearance tab:

This video demonstrates the new functionalities in action:

Important details :exclamation:

All the features mentioned are only available in widgets created after this release.

Here’s why we decided to apply this update to new widgets:

  • Many users have custom codes in the Custom CSS and JS fields, and this release could break them

  • The new widget version is built on modern technologies and isn’t fully compatible with the old ones

We’re planning to add an option in the settings to switch your existing widgets to the new version. In the meantime, we can manually assist with this.

Guys, If you’d like to upgrade your widget to the updated version, just let us know in the comments, and we’ll be happy to help :wink:


@Max Thanks for this update :+1:


This is huge! Really hope you’ll love this update, guys :blush:

Let us know you thoughts here in the comments!


I’d be in for the new version. I do have some custom code. Whatever way you think is best I’ll go with it?! Thank you.


Done! Check it out and let me know if everything is fine now :wink:

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A post was split to a new topic: Update Pricing Table version

Hi @max, hi @helga, hi everyone,

First of all, thank you very much for this update :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2:

Then, I would like you to update the application to the new version.

I will send you the Elfsight accounts concerned by PM :wink:

Thanks in advance.


Hi @romano97002 :wave:

Thanks a ton for your support! Sure, we’ll gladly help, I’ll reach out to you directly soon :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’d love help converting our pages!

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Hi there, @user20373 :wave:

I see that you have 4 active Pricing Table widgets, but in a support ticket you’ve asked to update just 2 of them.

If you’d like to update only 2 widgets, please specify their names or IDs :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello I would LIke to have my Updated to the new Versions


Great update! I would appreciate your help in migrating my existing pricing tables to the newest version.


Hi there, @Evo_Howard :wave:

Done! Check your widgets and let me know if everything is fine now :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi there, @Mario_Luna :wave:

We’ve updated your widgets! Please check them out and let me know how they work :wink:


Looks great, please can someone contact me about upgrading our current pricing tables. I’m in the middle of building a complicated one and this upgrade will really assist us. Thanks


Hey there, @user1954 :wave:

Sure, I’ve updated all your Pricing Table widgets to the latest version. Please check them out and let me know if everything is fine :wink:


If this is still an option, I would love to have all of my pricing tables updated to the new version. Currently I only have CSS to round the button corners on one of the tables, which it looks like I can do with the new settings once it has been updated, so it’s fine if that css is deleted. :slight_smile:

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