🚀 Pricing Table: Big Update!

Hello folks!

Another super cool update is out — the Pricing Table widget was also significantly changed and improved.

These are the improvements we’proudly presenting:

  • updated editor with a completely new look

  • an option to customize specific content in columns for each toggle option

  • updated reordering logic of elements on Layout tab

  • more design options

Feel free to test everything out in our demo — Pricing Table and leave your feedback below this post. We’d really love to know what you think about the update and new editor :slightly_smiling_face:

PT major update


Hi, after the update my colors are turned grey, and can’t change them either… any help?

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Hi Tim!

Please accept my apologies for the long wait :pray:t2:

I’m really sorry that you’re facing issues with the widget, but I assure you that we’ll be very happy to help.

Please contact our Support Team and provide a link to the widget, they will fix the issue as soon as possible.

Thank you!

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