Rich Snippet Error [Missing field "image"]

I got an email from google that there is an error with the rich snippet.

Affected items


Missing field “image”

Items with this issue are invalid. Invalid items are not eligible for Google Search’s rich results


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Hello @user990 and we are happy to see in our Community! Welcome :rocket: :heart:

I am terribly sorry that you’ve faced issues using our app. Please accept my sincere apologies!

I’ll be happy to check everything for you! Could you please provide me with a direct link to the webpage where your widget is installed?

Yeah sure, thanks for the help

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Hello @user990!

We’ve checked your website and noticed a meta tag for “image” missing in the <head>. In order to fill the image field correctly a tag of this format should be included in your website’s head:

<meta property="og:image" content="IMAGE_URL" />

Where you need to replace the IMAGE_URL with the URL of the necessary image.

Please let me know if this information helps and if you have any other questions.

Hello thanks again for helping me but i don’t think this is the issue because the search console report’s that the Missing field is in the following elfsight script which is responsible for the rich snippets appearing.

Hello @user990!

I’ve consulted with our devs and they’ve confirmed that it’s not an issue on our side. However, you can easily fix it by adding <meta property="og:image" content="IMAGE_URL" /> to the `.

Could you please check it and let me know if it helped?