Quiz Widget

Great to create a quiz widget!


Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 13


Test generators would be a great addition for learners and small businesses.


@Greggy great idea, thank you for sharing!

We’ll try to consider an option to create Tests in this app as well :slight_smile:


I need to create a quiz for customers to take (with an algorithm) and depending on the results show them recommended products.


@Eric10 welcome to the Elfsight community, and thank you for sharing your use case!

I also love the idea of the Quiz app and hope that it will be included in the pack of coming apps :slight_smile:

I’ve moved your request to a similar thread where we add ideas regarding this app. I’ll keep you updated on the progress here as well :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for your help, it’s much appreciated!


Please keep me updated about the quiz widget, I need this one for my project :slight_smile:


@Marc_Delnatte sure thing!

I’m afraid it’s not something we’re going to knuckle down in the near future, but I’ll definitely let you know if anything changes :slight_smile:

Thank you for your comment and for joining our community! :tada:

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This something I’m also after. Hopefully it won’t be too long before it’s released!


Many thanks for your comment and welcome to the community, @Justin_Chevallier!

I also love this idea, and I really hope we’ll be able to make it sooner rather than later :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for your interest, feel free to share your ideas and thoughts with us!


Can one be made with the ability to show the correct answers to the questions?


Thanks a lot for your suggestion, @Luna_Wagner, and welcome to the community!

We’ll try to consider your idea when we start working on this widget, I’ll keep you updated upon the news here :slight_smile:


I would love to see this widget.

If it would have a similar logical / conditional setup such as Typeform, that would be great!.


Many thanks for your comment, @joey, and welcome to the community!

We’ll try to consider your suggestion when start working on the Quiz widget :slight_smile:


I really like this idea, especially now that you are also developing the calculator. These 2 combined can really generate a lot of momentum on your website to sell services and engage with people!


Couldn’t agree more, @Bobdebouwerr! I wish this Quiz project was not so complicated in terms of development, that’s why it’s really hard to make any predictions now.

But it’s always great to hear your thoughts, so who knows how things are going to turn out :slight_smile:

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It is urgent that there be a quiz option. Depending on what the user answers, redirect them to different questions and different products. Or redirect it to the landing page.

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Hey @Antony_Arias :wave:

I do share your point, but, unfortunately, the ETA for this app is still unclear. Once any news come up, we’ll immediately let you know in this thread :slightly_smiling_face:

Many thanks for sharing your feedback and pointing us in this direction!

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There are a bunch of us teachers and we very often have to run websites with logs and a page or several for quizzes and exercises. We already spend a lot of time preparing and correcting. A quiz widget or widgets would be a lifeline.


Hi @Rethabile_Masilo :wave:

Happy to tell you that we have such an app in our Coming Soon project. I’ve moved your comment to the dedicated thread where we’ll post all the news :slightly_smiling_face:

In the meantime, could you please describe your vision of this app and what features you’d like to see there? Any additional info would be really helpful!