Product catalog widget

I think a product slider widget would be very useful for e-commerce stores and modern looking.


@user2682 thanks a lot for your suggestion and welcome to the Elfsight community! :hugs:

Am I right that you’d love to see something along the lines of a Product Catalog? We have such a widget in our Coming Soon project, you can have a look here: Product Catalog widget (coming soon).

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I want a product slider. It would be best if I could select individual products via links or entire product categories and choose how many products it shows. If it is a promotional product the discount must be visible.


Happy to see new faces around here! Welcome @user10547 :wave:

Thank you so much for sharing your use case with us!

We already have such a request in the Wishlist and I’ve moved your comment to the dedicated post where we’ll keep you informed about any changes :slightly_smiling_face:

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id love to see a widget that can add product options on nicely and in a unique way


Welcome to the Community @Yusuf_islam

Could you please describe your case in more detail? What products do you want to display? Would you like to add them manually to the widget, or pull the product info from the specific source? What features are must-have for this app? Do you have an example of the app with the similar functionality?

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All I’m looking for is for the product page to be able to easily showcase the product and have the ability to have a lot of product options since in my personal case I have a bed business and one bed has many differnt product options such as head board height and sizes and colours and the main problem I have found is that I’ve got all the other product options on successfully but Wix isn’t allowing me to add colours since it goes over the max limit of 1000 possible variations and I just need a way to still get my beds colour options on to the product page and for my customers to be able to choose what colour they want


Got it, thanks!

We already have a similar idea in the Wishlist, and I’ve added your comment there too. We’ll keep you posted here in case of any changes :slightly_smiling_face:

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Catalog listing with filter functionality. Perfect for marketplace, event, app, product listing


Hi there @Oso_Adinugroho :wave:

Thank you for your feedback!

Happy to say that we already have a request for the Product Catalog app. I’ve moved your comment to the related thread, where we’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

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I am working with few different use cases 1) Affiliate Marketing for my website and products, 2) product feed for advertisement on aggregators and 3) Ad network requiring product feeds that need to be displayed with real time product pricing from the website.

Is this something anyone else is interested in exploring to get it added to the list of potential considerations?


Hi there @Mehul_Hathi :wave:

Thanks for adding your idea to the Wishlist!

Do I understand right that you just want to showcase your product catalog using XML links?

If it is, please send me a link to your products. I’ll check if we have a solution :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, all products via XML feed that I can share with Ad networks. Here is the link to all products on my website Shop All - Page 1 - Ammunitions for Sale



Unfortunately, we don’t have a suitable app at the moment, but we have a similar request in the Wishlist.

I’ve moved your comment to this thread, and we’ll keep you updated here :slightly_smiling_face:


Looking for a listing widget with ability of listing different items, create a list of what a product includes as well as adding icons and custom img to each item. Trying to achieve a listing like in the image attached


Hello @Nick_K :wave:

We have a request for the Product catalog widget that should cover your case. I’ve moved your comment to the thread, where we’ll share the updates :slightly_smiling_face:

A huge thank you for sharing your thoughts and yes, welcome to the Community!

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Any idea how soon this widget be available?
I am looking to showcase a list of products, since our company is selling the products

  1. online and also
  2. offline via our dealers with installation option

I am looking for the flexibility so users can click on these to buy options.

Moreover, there should be categories for this catalog , so user can filter the listing easily.
Thank you.


Hi @WOWGary, thanks a lot for the detailed comment!

I’m afraid I cannot share any specific plans for the Product catalog at this time :frowning:

Currently, we are focusing on other apps in our roadmap. However, we’ll be happy to let you know if anything changes!

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There’s menu for F&B, What about having menu for services with its prices. Thanks!


Hi @NENO_Malaysia, thank you for your suggestion and welcome to the community! :raised_hands:t2:

I love your idea, and I think our another request for the Product catalog widget sounds similar. I’ve moved your suggestion here, so you’ll get all the future updates :slight_smile: