Etsy products

Want an app for displaying the products in my etsy store

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Hi @Michael29, and welcome to the Elfsight Community! :hugs:

Thanks a lot for sharing your widget idea! Am I right that you’d love to display just your products themselves, without the reviews or any other additional info?

If there are particular options and features you need to see in such a widget, please do share, it will help us a lot :slight_smile:

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I was looking for the Etsy Products widgets listed on this page:
but I don’t see it in any of your plans. Do you have it? Thanks!

Hi there @user12976 :wave:

I am so sorry for all the confusion!

Currently, this app isn’t available and we are considering the possibility of its implementation:

In the meantime, we would be so grateful, if you could share your vision on this app :pray:

What features are essential for this app (e.g. filtering option, search functionality, etc)? How would you like to display products (preferred layout options)?

This info will help us better understand what you are looking for :slightly_smiling_face:

Aw, thank you for the quick reply!

We should be able to display the products in the same way they’re organized on Etsy - have a full list of products, but also be able to show categories individually. If there’s option to display featured products and limit their number, that would be great too.

I think that Etsy unfortunately doesn’t provide discount information in their feed, but the number of “likes” is available, and that would be a nice addition.

As for individual item display, the thumbnail, title, price (and possibly likes) should be included.

Would be great to be able to choose the number of items in a row (of course, with it reflowing automatically, or with ability to choose a different number for mobile displays). Equal height of individual item cards.

A cron pull from Etsy with an ability to also run it manually would be super handy.

For me personally, the lack search and custom filtering (aside from category breakdown) would not be a deal breaker, but I’m looking forward to others posting their opinions.

There’s currently only one other workable Etsy embed service/plugin on the market, and it’s a little clunky, though it creates individual product pages on the fly too, which is really nice. I’m really looking forward to seeing your widget!

Etsy shop embedded on a website, sample

Hope this helps and thanks again :-).

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Wow, thanks a million for such a thorough description :heart:

I agree that all the features mentioned are really important, and we’ll try to consider them when working on this app.

We’ll update you here in case of any news :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you! Just one more thing to keep in mind - Etsy takes weeks to approve API (app) access, especially for the new shops, and requires two-factor authentication set on an account before they’ll consider it - this is especially problematic for international shops from countries Etsy accepts as sellers, but for some reason doesn’t send sms messages to. Those sellers are unable to set the two factor authentication (run into it while setting up an Etsy shop for someone from another country; I’m a web designer).

On the other hand, rss access is easy (just add /rss to any shop url or category url before the ?section_id) - if you’re planning to simply create display list of products which link back to Etsy product pages, this might be the fastest (and most widely implementable) way for people to implement your widget. However, their rss doesn’t seem to like curl requests, so spoofing a browser user agent might be necessary.

Have a great day! :slight_smile:

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Hi @user12976 :wave:

We’ll have this in mind when working on this app. Thanks for this addition :wink:

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I’d really like this widget and know 1000’s of other sellers on etsy that would love it too! Please create ASAP! I’ve just seen that this has been in the works since at least December 2022 - now I’m not very hopeful :cry:

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Hey there @Lesley_Notton and welcome aboard :wave:

Many thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

I am afraid, the Etsy Products app won’t be live in the near future. Indeed, we’ve got such a request in December 2022, but we haven’t considered it yet as it got quite few votes.

Currently, we have many requests with the higher priority and our devs are actively working on them. You can look through them here - Topics tagged in-progress.

If more users support this idea, we’ll try to take it under consideration in the future. All the updates will be posted here :slightly_smiling_face: