Podcast Feed

I have a Podcaster/Radio Host that needs a copy of their (Spotify specifically) Podcast Feed on their site. I am currently using another site to do this, but I’d love to consolidate into elfsight.

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Hi there @Justin_Guy :wave:

Glad to say that we have a Podcast Player app which should cover this case.

The direct link to the Spotify Podcast won’t work in our app. However, the podcast owners can get the RSS link to the podcast, which should work fine. Please check this article explaining how to do this - Your RSS feed.

Here’s also an article that might help you create your RSS feed in order to get the right link to add to the widget. Please, check it here - How To Create A Podcast RSS Feed | RSS.com Podcasting. You may also check this article - URL format supported by Podcast Player

Test it out and let me know if it worked :slightly_smiling_face: