Manage student evaluations

Serait-il possible de cree un widget qui s’intitule “evaluation” pour gere les notes des eleves avec creation de controle coefficient, note sur combien, titre… Et ensuite ajouter les notes dans le controle et que toute ses notes conpte dans leur moyennes generale.

Would it be possible to create a widget called “evaluation” to manage student grades with creation of coefficient control, grade out of how much, title… And then add the grades in the control and have all of these grades count in their general averages.


Hi there, @TV6M_MTV :wave:

Thanks for adding your idea to the Wishlist!

We can’t promise that such an app will be released. However, if it gets more votes, we’ll try to think it over.

In the meantime, we’d appreciate it if you could share more details on your use case.

  • What settings would you like to see in this app?

  • How should the coefficient control work?

  • Will there be a consistent grading scale, or should each evaluation (test, assignment, etc.) allow for a custom scale?

  • How will grade out of “how much” work? For example, if one test is out of 100 and another out of 50, will they need to be normalized or combined into one overall system?

  • How should the final average be calculated?

  • Is there a specific layout or design you have in mind for this widget?

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