Bot should be able to make http/s connections to specified links (using parameters given from the user that is chatting) and read its response.
This can for example be useful to give customer more precise informations about order status for ecommerces.
Note that connections should also support authentication headers.
Welcome to the Community, @franco_zagorschi
You’d like the chatbot to be able to connect to certain URLs that the user provides during a conversation. Am I right?
As for the authentication header, you mean the chatbot should be able to securely log in or access information on websites that require a username, password, etc. Is that correct?
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Hi, yes. for example be able to make some api calls to prestashop (that require authentication to retrieve and order informations).
Sounds interesting!
I am afraid it’s quite a tall order at now, but if this idea gets more votes, we’ll try to consider this opportunity in the future