Link custom sources to external sources

One thing I’m missing in the custom option is to be able to link to my (in this case) external source just like for example the “Posted on Airbnb” links to my custom Airbnb link. I’d like to be able to link to my apartment on my custom source as well so people can verify I haven’t made anything up


Like it says in the title.

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Hi there @Kris_Schindel :wave:

I couldn’t agree more that it would be an amazing enhancement!

We already have a similar idea in the Wishlist and I’ve added your comment there too. Al the updates will be posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

When I setup custom sources then asked: where would you like to leave a review?

I can’t put a link there at the moment, but It would be nice if I could set my preferred source.

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@Sina This idea is already on the Wishlist. I’ve moved your comment to a discussion, where we’ll keep you in the loop :slightly_smiling_face:

By the way, we have a similar request to display custom sources in the Write a Review button. Feel to upvote this idea if you’d like it to be released - Write a review button for custom sources

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