Make the sources namable

Hello everybody,

For some all in one review, we add several airbnb or booking sources in the same widget and it becomes difficult to identify the recorded sources

Example :

On my individual property page (short term rental) , i got a widget with 1 source from booking, 1 from airbnb, 1 from TripAdvisor


on my main web page, i do a widget with all sources, so i got several sources from airbnb…


It could be great to name all sources with a short txt field

Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 2

Добавил гугл-локации нескольких филиалов компании. В итоге у меня список из абсолютно одинаковых карточек(((( возможно их как-то переименовать каждую? если нет - прошу передать разработчикам такую необходимость.

I added several Google-Map locations for reviews. And got a list of indistinguishable markers It would be great to let a user to optional change labels to identify similar-source reviews’ sources.

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Yes it is crucial update to avoid duplicated link review and better manager the widget !

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Guys, huge news: an option to rename sources in your All-in-One-Reviews widgets is here! :fire:

Feel free to check out the details in our update and share your feedback: All-in-One-Reviews: Rename the sources option :boom:

merci bien ! thanks a lot

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I wish you just a great use experience with this new option, @Jerome!

And if you’ve got any feedback to share, we’ll be very happy to hear thought :slight_smile:

Ok here my first feed back …

If I named all sources, then the TAB of the widget will display all named sources… and do not calculate an average summary note per sources … that’s not a great thinks… can you manage to make it display better ?

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@Jerome do you mean you don’t get the average rating as displayed below? :point_down:t2:


If so, could you please send me the link to your widget so that I can check things for you?

Hello Helga

i mean that the tab should show an average per source origin like google, booking… and NOT per custom source name.

here the widget i have just set up yesterday.

Today i switch off the tab because the tab is toooooo loooong and unreadable because all custome name tab are display

Keep in mind that we need to be able to rename the source in the “backend” to help us sorting the list

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Thanks a lot for the details, @Jerome!

I’m afraid this is not something we could do right away, but it would be awesome to have such a request in our Wishlist.

Feel free to describe your idea here, we’ll try our best to consider it!