Link Counter

You need to add a new tool: A link Click Counter.

How many times has your PDF book been downloaded? How many times has someone clicked a particular link? This would be very helpful in determining whether a feature should be maintained with a website.

The Widget should do the following:

  • Let the user provide a list of links and their URL destinations.
  • When the user clicks on such a link, their click gets quietly recorded and the viewer is then forwarded on to the destination URL.
  • The widget owner should be able to view the stats for the provided links.

This would be a wonderful addition to Elfsight!

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@Byron1 thanks a lot for sharing your idea, and welcome to the Elfsight Community! :hugs:

It’s totally fine, your first message was totally OK, it’s me who got back to you with a delay, my apologies for that :frowning:

I really love your idea with clicks counting! I hope we’ll be able to consider your request in the future, and I reckon the details you added here will help us big time :slight_smile:

Many thanks for your help, we’re always happy to hear from you and consider your suggestions!