Online viewcount

Say, if your website doesn’t have a view count or you just don’t know how many viewed it, you can see when adding it. When editing the widget there will be a “Link” option, this will make sure the view count will link with the website you want to show, kind of like a way to show how much people trust your website!

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Hi there @Starred and welcome to the Community :wave:

Do I understand correctly that you’d like this viewcount to be visible only for you on the website’s backend?

We add the free code to all our websites. The free version only offers details of the last 500 pageviews, but it sends out a free weekly email and keeps a running grand total. This might be helpful until Elfsight offers a widget like this.

Sorry for the late reply! Maybe there could be an option in the editing to link the viewcount to a specific site.

I got your idea!

I am not sure if it’s possible to implement, but we’ll try to consider your suggestion in the future updates :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you very much! I’ll try to follow up within future replys.

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