Increase View Limit - PLAN


Why isn’t there an option to choose just the Views? At the moment, I don’t need more widgets; I only need two of them. Why should I have to pay for 9? Please review and consider adding a subscription at a more reasonable price. As it stands, it seems like I have to pay an additional $60, which totals $120 annually. I initially chose the cheapest subscription option. Honestly, I am disappointed and will probably leave the project once I reach 2000 views. The cost seems extremely high and unfair, especially since I don’t have that many clients.

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Hi @George7 and welcome to the Community :wave:

I completely understand your feelings and really sorry that our plans don’t fully meet your case.

My colleagues from Support Team are better experts in such questions. Please contact them at and they’ll try to find the most effective solution for you :slightly_smiling_face: