I want to change the aspect ratio of the widget and text alignment

I have created a calculator widget in elfsight. I want to use that widget in canva (embeded hyperklick). however, i am not able to change the aspect ratio of the widget in canva. The text alignment is “middle” in canva but it is set to left in elfsight. Is there a fix?


Hi there, @user21734 :wave:

Could you please send me a link to the page where the widget is installed? I’ll gladly check if anything can be done :slightly_smiling_face:

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Apartment Price Calculator Copy | Elfsight

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Hi there, @user21734 :wave:

This is a link to your widget in the dashboard, but to check things we need a link to the page (Canva page), where your widget is installed. Could you please provide me with it?