I got chatgpt to generate some ideas what do you think about them?

@GalacticNetwork Your contribution is much appreciated, thanks a bunch for sharing your ideas with us!

  1. Productivity widgets:
  1. Health and wellness widget:

This idea sounds interesting! We’ll try to consider it in the future, and we’ll keep you updated in this thread - Health and fitness widget

  1. Weather widget

Such an app is already available in our catalog, so feel free to check it out - Add the best Weather Forecast widget to your website (free and fast)

This widget allows you to display temperature, wind speed, pressure, humidity, precipitation, etc:

Currently, it’s possible to add only one location there. However, we have a request for the multiple locations option, so feel free to vote for this idea - Weather Widget that can display multiple forecast/locations

  1. Financial widgets

I agree that these apps would be a great addition to our app collection. We already have a request for the Currency Converter and Stocks apps.

I’ve also added the Cryptocurrency tracker request to the Wishlist - Cryptocurrency tracker

  1. Social Media widgets

Glad to tell you that all these apps are available in the Social widgets section of our catalog :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. News and RSS widgets
  • News Ticker - you can vote for this idea right here

  • Personalized news aggregator - you can keep an eye on it in this thread

  • RSS Feed - We already have this app in our catalog. Feel free to test it out :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. Entertainment widgets:

Audio Player app with playback controls is available too - Audio Player - Add Music widget to website (easy and free)

Regarding the TV Show tracker and Random Jokes app, I’ve added them to the Wishlist as well:

Here are requests for other widgets I’ve added on your behalf:

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