Hide Icons and Responsive Design

  • Issue description:
    I have a Shopify music site that contains various Artists, each with their own Bio page. Each bio should have its ‘own’ set of social media/streaming icons for the Artist. I want to use the Shopify dynamic data from the metadata fields to populate the social media links on the Artist page. I have (15+) social media/streaming metadata fields, but only those that the Artist uses should appear.

I also want the icons to be responsive, when on mobile there could be several icons and they should wrap.

My question is will the paid version of Elfsight Social Icons do this? THANK YOU!

  • Link to the page with the widget in question:

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Hi there, @user17096 :wave:

It’s impossible to dynamically pull the metadata using our app. However, with Elfsight Social Media Icons you can add any icons from the widget’s list or create a custom one and manually add links where users will be redirected on click:

Also, our app is responsive on all devices, but if you’d like to apply some changes, our devs will be happy to customize the widget for you. Feel free to test it out :wink: