Google Reviews Widget Bugged


I recently installed your widget and all was fine for a week or so, however now the google reviews widget is only displaying one review in the carousel. When I go to edit the widget and select to not show text in reviews all of them show again but without text.

I would like all of the reviews to show again and for the text to be displayed as it was prior. As of now only one review is showing on the carousel and it was fine before.

The page in question is

I am looking to have this issue resolved asap.

Thank You.

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Hello @user918 and welcome to Elfsight Community :heart_hands:

Unfortunately, our Google Reviews widgets are experiencing some technical difficulties that may result in some reviews missing text.

Please accept my sincere apologies for the interruption in our app’s work.

We realize the urgency of the situation and how it can impact our customers, and our top priority is to fix the issue in the shortest possible time.

I have forwarded your request to our devs and immediately get back to you as soon as I receive any updates.

Thank you for understanding :pray:

Hey @user918!

Great news :fire:

We’ve fixed the issue. Could you please check it and let me know if everything is fine on your side?