Google Reviews are showned in English - but in the setting we choose Hebrew

Hi @Kaspar_jorg :wave:

Thank you for waiting!

Happy to tell you that we’ve fixed the issue!

Please check your widget and let me know if it’s fine :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Max

It looks better now, thank you.


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Hello @Max
Actually I still do have the issue on some of my review widgets, even if it’s not global.
Some reviews are translated from French (original) to English. Others are displayed both in French (original) and English (translated).
Best regards

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Hello @Kevin_Braems and welcome to Community :wave:

I am so sorry to hear that!

Could you please send me a direct link to the webpage where the widget is installed?


Limited to 2 links but also seen on

toiture-78 .fr
mariasrenov .fr
78-elagage .fr


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Thank you!

I’ve forwarded your request to our dev team. I’ll keep you updated here!

@Kevin_Braems Thank you for waiting!

We’ve fixed all the provided sources.

Please check your widgets and let me know how they work :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello @Max

Seems fine, thank you very much and kudos to the dev team!


Great :slightly_smiling_face:

You are always welcome :heart:

Hi Max. I have the same issue on some of my review widgets.
The last reviews are translated from Spanish (original) to English. Others are displayed both in Spanish (original) and English (translated).
Best regards
My website

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Hi @user3496 and welcome aboard :wave:

I’m really sorry to hear you’ve run into this!

I’ve informed our dev team about the issue. I’ll get back to you once any news come up.

thanks for your quick answer Max, I´ll be waiting

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Buenas tardes,
Hemos detectado el mismo problema en nuestra web. Las reseñas se muestran en inglés en lugar de en español.
Un saludo.

¡Feliz de verte por aquí @Pablo_Gil! Bienvenido a bordo :wave:

¡Lamento mucho el problema!

He reenviado su solicitud a nuestros desarrolladores. Te mantendré informado aquí.

Happy to see you here @Pablo_Gil! Welcome aboard :wave:

I am genuinely sorry about the issue!

I’ve forwarded your request to our devs. I’ll keep you in the loop here.

Gracias por su pronta respuesta!

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Having the same issue. Reviews translated automatically from Dutch to English.

Hi @Ewout :wave:

Your request is now with our devs. We’ll make sure to keep you abreast of any updates!

The google reviews are showing up fine.
However, I am having trouble with Japanese being displayed in my native language after the translated English, instead of giving priority to the original Japanese.
Is there any way to reverse this display?

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Hi @tikyuchan :wave:

Please let me bring my sincere apologies for all the inconvenience!

I’ve relayed your request to our dev team. We promise to keep you updated

Hi guys @user3496 @Pablo_Gil :wave:

I am genuinely sorry that it took us so long to get back!

We’ve fixed the issue and all the reviews should be displayed in their original language.

Please check your widgets and let me know how they work :slightly_smiling_face: