Google Reviews are showned in English - but in the setting we choose Hebrew

We have been using the google review app for a year and it worked just fine,
from last night it changed the language of the reviews from hebrew to english , but the settings still remain Hebrew Language , How we get the Hebrew back ?
thank you


Hi @user3336 :wave:

We are so happy to see you here! Welcome to Community :tada:

I see that my colleague Marina has already contacted you. As she said, our widget is experiencing some issues with data collecting, which has led to some unpleasant consequences such as translation reviews to English instead of showing them in the original language.

We are really sorry about it. Our devs are doing all their best to fix the issue as soon as possible.

Marina will keep you updated.

Thank you for your patience and understanding :pray:


ye she did , thank you



I have a similar issue with translated Google Reviews,

Our website and our customers review on Google are Written in french
But the widget shows the review in English and in French, even if i set “French” as language for the widget :
Capture d’écran 2023-06-30 à 15.38.35

Can we have a solution to show the reviews in their orignal languages only ?
Thanks for your help


Greetings @user3366 and welcome to Elfsight family :heart:

I am so sorry for all the inconvenience caused!

I’ve informed our dev team about this issue. We’ll keep you in the loop here.



I have a google review widget on my website. Why does it now automatically translate the text from Finnish to English? This is a very bad thing.

I can’t find it anywhere, how do I turn it off? ?


Hi @Mv_Kattojenmaalaus_O, I’m really sorry about this issue :frowning:

We’re already working on it, I’ll get back to you as soon as everything’s back to normal.

Thank you for your understanding!

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ok thank you
all good - you can also leave it this way .
Thank you


Hi @user3366 @Mv_Kattojenmaalaus_O, thank you so much for your patience!

I’m happy to say that the issue is fixed and your reviews are displayed as expected now.

Could you please let me know if everything’s fine on your end, too?

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all seems good thank you !! :))


Hi Helga
On my page german reviews still are shown in english, so the problem is not fixed yet.
Thanks in advance for your support.


Hi @Kaspar_jorg and welcome to Elfsight family :wave:

I’ve informed our devs about the issue. I’ll keep you posted here!

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Hi @Helga , I have the same problem with one of my widget that is display in english instead of french. The other widgets are working just fine from what I can tell. Is it supposed to be fixed automatically or should we contact you for each bug ?
Thank you


Hi @Arnaud_FOURNIER and welcome to Community :slightly_smiling_face:

Please let me step in for Helga.

We are working hard to fix the issue globally as soon as possible. Please accept my sincere apologies for all the inconvenience!

Could you please send me a direct link to the website where the widget is installed or just specify your Google Business Name and Address?

I’ll be happy to investigate it for you!

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Same issue on my website (Eres Group), I’ve hided the feature until the bug is fixed. Please let me know when a solution will be found.


Hi @user3427 and welcome to Community!

Sure, I’ve passed on your request to our devs. I’ll keep you posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @user3427

The issue is fixed!

Please check your widget and let me know how it works :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s all good, thanks for your intervention !


Hi Max

As i already told Irene only the first 8 or so reviews are in german, the rest is still english or mixed.

Best regards



Hi @Kaspar_jorg

I apologize for such a long waiting and any inconvenience caused by the issue :pensive:

Our devs are doing all the best to fix it as soon as possible. We’ll keep you in the loop!

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