FAQ drop down menus

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is there a drop down menu widget?

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You mean Dropdown Menu in Header Menu

Or just Dropdown Accordion Features? You can use FAQ widget Website Accordion FAQ widget (Fast and easy) - Elfsight Apps
20 Clean CSS Accordion Menus (Free and Open Source)

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Hello @user2727!

@tuanphan is absolutely right! If you mean FAQ app, you can find it here - Website Accordion FAQ widget (Fast and easy) - Elfsight Apps

However, if we misunderstood you, could you please describe your question in more detail?

We’ll be happy to check everything :slightly_smiling_face:

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so I have a Big Commerce Site and I purchased the elfsight FAQ app.

I need to know how to put this in my website header menu so people dont have to scroll to the footer to find the questions and answers. I emailed but getting no response.

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Hi @Bradley_Alexander_Wo and welcome to the Community :wave:

I have to say that our support agents are better experts in the installation questions. Our support agent Alina will contact you really soon and advise on your request :slightly_smiling_face:

ok then, when I put the code where indicated (above the footer) As your directions showed,
the app placed it UNDER the footer.
Can you advise how I can fix this?
Is it a matter of taking out the previous code and redoing or?

Max. She isn’t understanding something as she sent me links that just took me to my old active website.

I am building a new one on Big Commerce and it is not live yet.
I need to know how to get this linked to my menu on the site I am building.
So what she sent me is of now use as she was referring to specific pages but each link she sent only took me to the whole OLD site.

Hi there :wave:

Apologies for the delayed reply. I see that Alina got back to you and confirmed that she’ll discuss your use case with our devs.

To make things more clear, Alina asked some questions regarding the installation. Once you answer these questions, our devs will start working on it :slightly_smiling_face: