Expanded and/or Customizable "Event Types"

There are a very limited number of event types available and many times, none match the actual event being posted. It’s not a matter of leaving it blank, b/c for some events I have it indicated as it’s important for filtering when there are many events listed. If I leave it blank, it completely messes up the event flyer alignment and juxtaposition along with the event chronology (i.e., events on the 24th show up before events on the 18th). Considering that your company is most likely not running reports on event type usage, there’s no need to keep them as discreet data fields. Yes, user error may throw off the calendar filtering features due to misspellings, but I think having the ability to expand the event types is valuable. I’m tired of listing our community service event as “magic” or “headliner”, LOL. Thanks!

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Hey there, @Black_In_Bali :wave:

Glad to say that you can change the filter names right in the settings. Just open Event Type section on the Events tab and replace default filter names with your own variants:


Let me know if it helped :wink:

Maybe I’m misunderstanding the concept of Event Types. Google Calendar has a API for Event Types that can be added as an extended property of an event. I assumed the Event Type would automatically create filters off events that it found in your calendar. Can someone send me documentation on elfsight Event Types so I can figure out how they work?

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Hi there, @Christopher_Medina :wave:

In the screenshot above, you can see the Event type filters for the manually added events. The Event Type field in Google Calendar looks a bit different from the Event Type in our widget. That’s why the Event Type field and filter are not supported via the Google Calendar integration and there is no way to add it manually, unfortunately.

You can read Helga’s message in this thread to find more details :slightly_smiling_face:

Please let me know if this explains things or if you have any further questions.