Discord Chat

Discord has become a go-to for online communities, and a Discord Chat widget could bring that sense of community to my website. It’s a great way to let visitors chat and engage with each other while exploring the content.

Please add discord chat - Discord Chat - Add Discord Widget to your website (fast and free)

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@user187 many thanks for your suggestion!

Yes, we do have Discord in our Coming Soon project, but at the moment we have technical issues :frowning:

Let’s hope we’ll be able to overcome all the obstacles :slight_smile: If anything changes, I’ll make sure to post an update here.

Thanks a lot for your help!


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Hi @user3607

Pleasure to see that you’ve decided to team up with us! Welcome :heart:

I’d like to tell you that we already have such a request in our Wishlist. I’ve moved your message to the dedicated thread so that you could follow the latest updates,

A huge thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

So people can chat with other people

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Welcome to the Community @user8536 :wave:

Happy to tell you that we already have such a request in the Wishlist, and I’ve added your comment there too. If this app gets more votes, we’ll try to consider it in our future updates :slightly_smiling_face:

A huge thank you for sharing your feedback with us!

I would like to be able to use the entirety of discord (i.e. login, use pre-existing accounts, message people, etc.) as a widget/plugin on a website, say like goggle sites.
Basically I want to use discord inside my own website without being redirected to a different tab/the discord website

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Hello @ky_le :wave:

Glad to tell you that we already have a request for the Discord Chat app. I’ve moved your comment thread where we’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

A huge thank you for sharing your feedback and yes, welcome to the Community!

Wanted discoid chat APP …???


Hi there, @sailesh_sunny and welcome to the Elfsight family :wave:

We already have this idea on the Wishlist, and I’ve merged your comment with the existing request :slightly_smiling_face: