Custom translation

It would be awesome to allow for custom translations (not AI generated) in the future


That’s a very nice suggestion! Could you please describe how you see this option in your editor: you need an option to upload your own translations for particular languages, or is it something else?


See Weglot’s translation dashboard - I know this is likely a HUGE stretch/ ask however it really would allow you to steal some of the translation widget market share.


This is also a must for me to use the tool, I can’t have wrong translations displayed on the website. Has there been any progress with this so far?


Greetings and welcome to the Community, @Paulo_Goncalves_Soto :wave:

I am really sorry, but we haven’t got any news to share. Right now, our devs are working on requests with the higher priority level, that’s why it’s hard to give any timelines for this feature.

However, we realize the importance of the custom translations and see that this request is gradually gaining votes. Hopefully, the devs will be able to consider it in one of the future. I’ll make sure to inform you in case of any changes :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you so much for the feedback!


The ability to adjust a translation must be provided… otherwise, it is not usable for professional purposes. Please move that higher in the prio list.


Hi there, @Albert_Bruckmann and welcome to the Community :wave:

Thank you so much for the feedback!

We completely understand your point and realize the importance of this feature. Let’s hope the devs will be able to consider it in the future, and we’ll make sure to update you in case of any changes :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, custom translation is a must and the option to select ‘default’ to return to how the website pages were created and not translated. For example, we use the word ‘oxigen’ but it keeps getting translated as ‘oxygen’. I know ‘oxygen’ is the correct spelling but that is not the word we need to use. Allowing for custom words which should not be translated would be a great start.


Hi there, @StephenC :wave:

Many thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

While the custom translation isn’t supported yet, I guess the “Translate Exclusions” feature should work for you - Website Translator: Exclude specific parts of text from translation! 🚀.

Check it out and let me know if it worked for you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Max, thanks for your reply. Yes, I did spot that and use it. It does help somewhat but it also excludes a lot of the content I would want to be translated as the example I gave ‘oxigen’ is in the div-class I have excluded but so are a lot of other content that won’t be translated.

I guess I can go in to the backend and add more div-classes to define what I need but I believe the ability to simply add words (custom) will be a game change for me using this app.

Thanks again.

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Hi there, @StephenC :wave:

I cannot but agree with it, custom translations would give a greater flexibility. Hopefully the devs will be able to consider this option in the future, and we’ll update you here in case of any progress :slightly_smiling_face:

As for adding more classes, yes, you should add a span class for the Oxigen. Here is how it should look: <span class="any-class">Oxigen</span>

You can replace any-class with the custom class you’d like to use. And after that, please add the class you’ve chosen to the Translation Exclusions in your widget’s settings.

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