Choose duration for recurring events

Hey there, first of all, LOVE ELFSITE! So thank you for all that you do! I wondered if there is a way to have an event repeat weekly but just until a certain time? For example, I would like our Saturday Storytimes to begin at 10:30 am, end at 11:15 am from September 11 until October 30. If I choose “repeat weekly on Saturday,” this seems not to display the specific time and display that the event goes on weekly for an infinite number of weeks. Does that make sense? Is there a way to show the event WILL repeat weekly, during this time of day, but only for a certain number of weeks? Thank you for any help you can provide!

Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 2


Thanks a lot for sharing your use case and for the details provided!

Unfortunately, we don’t have such a feature yet but I totally understand your point. We’ll try our best to think over this functionality and find a way to fulfil a use case intending a specific time for repeated events.

Thank you for helping us improve the widget!

Quick update: this feature is on the stage of discussion: we’re thinking over an option to set the date/time and repetition options.

The development is set for Q1 :slight_smile:

1 Like

Great news :fire:

Now you can choose duration for recurring events. You can find this option by following these steps:

  1. Click on the Repeat section:

  1. Choose Custom. Here you can set a specific Date when the recurring events should finish or certain number of occurrences: