Changing plan question (instagram widget)

  • Issue description:
    I have a question about changing my plan. Ive changed it already, payment auto-calculated untill 21\08, but next payment shown as full price - 24$.
    My question is - when plan will be auto pay after 21\08 do my price also will be recalculated with added coupon or no? Or i need to cancel subscription and pay it again with new coupon? Thanks for help :slight_smile:
  • Link to the page with the widget in question:
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Hi @user3169 :wave:

I’ve checked your account and, unfortunately, couldn’t find any coupons applied.

Could you please specify what coupon you mean?

means popup coupon in adminpanel - 47DCB79B for 30% discount

Got you!

At the moment, you are subscribed to Instagram Feed Premium monthly plan. Unfortunately, with the way our service works, 30% discount coupons can not get applied to your first subscription.


I’m very sorry for the misunderstanding!

We recommend you to use this coupon if you decide to purchase a second subscription to any other single Elfsight app. Just in case, here’s an article explaining how to do it - Using the Elfsight discount coupon.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions, I’ll be happy to help :slightly_smiling_face: