Can I add a link within an answer in the AI chatbot?

I’m looking to insert a link to a specific page from an answer within the AI chatbot, and I’m not sure how to do it, or if it can be done at all?


never mind, after playing around with the chatbot more, I can see that it enters links into the chat if I have uploaded pages for it to train. all good!


Hi there, @Cory_Borman :wave:

It’s great that you’ve already found a solution. If any questions come up, we’re always here to help :wink:

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Hi, I have read this post but am still unsure how to add specific page links to train my AI assistant. I want it to recommend specific pages on the website with a link in its reply.


Hi, Like Cory I have worked it out :joy:


Hello, how do you install the link? I’m also experimenting, but it doesn’t work for me. can I also use html? It would be nice to tell the general public how you managed it! THX



@Lee5 Amazing, this thread is becoming my favorite :smile:

If anything else comes up, we’re always here to help!

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Hi @Kerstin :wave:

You just should have these links in the files for training/ questions and answers/ text blocks/ instructions:

Please try to add the needed links to one of the mentioned sections and describe when the bot should send them.

If this doesn’t help, please send me a link to the page where your widget is installed or just specify its ID.

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Hi Max, After uploading my files and it shows the message “training”. Does it take some time for this data to be used by the Chat bot?


Unfortunately, there is a global issue on the Open AI side, that’s why the files haven’t been uploaded. I am really sorry about that :pensive:

Once this issue is resolved by Open AI, the widget should be working fine. You can check the status of the issue here - OpenAI Status - Elevated Error Rate for ChatGPT and API

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Thank you for the answer. At least I already have a link online. I also have the link in Q & A. is that okay or too much?


Yep, that should be enough. However, if the bot still doesn’t send the link, please specify the question you’ve asked and where you’ve added this link for training :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Max, Open AI says the issue has now been resolved. However, the uploaded files still don’t seem to be working. Do I need to do anything? Such as reupload.


Hi @Lee5 :wave:

I am so sorry about that!

Yep, please try to reupload your files and let me know if it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Max, My files are now all uploading and working with AI Chatbot. The previously uploaded files did not update after ther Open AI fix. Just thought I would let you know in case anyone else had the same problem.


Great, thank you so much for the update :+1:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Change link color in AI Chatbot