Audio Player

Hello! I design webs invitations, and I add a audio player with a single song. I have just bought the basic plan, and I had created 3 widgets for three different clients. Now that I need to create a new single audio payer for a client I have just realized that I can only have 3 widgets.

I do not know what to do, because the idea is to be able to create infinite single song audio player for the webs invitations I design.

So, first question. All the plans have a certain limit of widgets. If I edit one widget, the widget already set on a web design is goin to dissapear?

Second question, is there a way to have unlimited widgets for the audio player (only one song)?

Help please! I am so confused now!

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Greetings @user14451 and welcome to the Community :wave:

My colleagues from the Support Team are better experts in these matters, and they’ll be happy to help you out.

I see that you’ve already sent your request to them, so our support agent will contact you quite soon :slightly_smiling_face: