An option to add payment button

We need a feature that not only displays the total sum but also offers the option for direct payment within the widget.


To what specific widget?

To Calculator :slightly_smiling_face:

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We want to open sales to customers outside of the USA (e.g. Canada) BUT the biggest barrier is not having an automated way to calculate the shipping and duties depending on order size and location during checkout.

It seems for Squarespace there is no practical solution. Has anyone found a workaround to open up their US Squarespace sales to outside the US?

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Happy to see you as a part of our Community @Superfoodie :wave:

Recently, we’ve released a Calculator widget which can perform different calculations, but, unfortunately, it doesn’t offer payment options now.

We already have a request to add the payment button to Calculator and I’ve moved your comment there too. All the updates will be posted here :wink:

2 posts were split to a new topic: Add formto Calculator

Just to link a Stripe account to pay for the result of a Calculator.

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Hi there @user483 and welcome aboard :wave:

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts!

We already have a request to add a payment button, and I’ve added your comment there too. We’ll try to consider the Stripe integration as well.

All the updates will be posted in this thread :slightly_smiling_face:


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Hi @user14920 and welcome to the Community :wave:

Currently, there is no way to do this, but we’ll try to consider this opportunity in the future. All the updates will be posted in this thread :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, the reason I suggested Stripe was that it could do single purchase and recurring and so you could calculate a plan or product and send for payment / subscription setup to Stripe as it’s a dev platform so probably more useful than some others.