Youtube Shorts - Vertical Video

Hey Max,

The way I think of this customization is to be able to display YouTube short videos in a vertical video block on a website with the same, or similar dimensions as the actual short videos. Right now, I’m able to do that with the native YouTube video embed feature in Google Sites. See below:

The form on the right side is the Elfsight Form Widget, with the Google Sites native vertical video blocks inserted on the left. All the videos are pulled from a YouTube short videos playlist. I want to standardize the look and feel of the page a much as possible. I don’t think these other posts cover my particular use case.

  1. YouTube Gallery: Shorts are supported now
  2. YouTube Gallery: How to display only shorts in your widget?
  3. Youtube Shorts
  4. Support for YouTube shorts

Also, I’m not sure if @Seth_Chomout has the same requirements.

With thanks,

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