Write a review doesn't work

Hey @Max can you please check from desktop why when I click write a review on Google, doesn’t open the field where you can write the review. From mobile is working fine.Reviews

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Hi @Giorgos :wave:

I’ve checked your website in Chrome and Firefox from desktop and it’s working fine on my end.

Could you please specify what browser you are using?

If the issue still persists on your side, could you please share a video screencast of the issue? Unfortunately, there is no option to attach the video here, so you need to share a link to your screencast.

Hi @Max you can check the video screenshots here on Chrome (latest version) and here on Safari (15.6.1). Is old version of Safari but when I tested last time it was working.

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Thank you so much!

I’ve passed your request on to our devs. I’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @Giorgos :wave:

Could you please provide us with a video screencast of the Developer Console when you click on the Write a Review button?

I get this on console

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I test to remove all the css that I have created but still ddn’t work.

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Thank you!

We’ll check it and let you know once anything comes up :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for waiting @Giorgos

Could you please specify whether you are using any browser extensions in Safari and Chrome? If yes, please try to disable them and let me know how it worked.

Also, please try to check the issue in another browsers (e.g. Firefox or edge). It would be extremely helpful :pray: