Widgets for Polls

Hi @JR_Tattoos :wave:

We havenā€™t got such an app yet, but we have a request for a Poll app that should match your case. You can vote for this idea to keep tabs on it - Widgets for Polls.

In the meantime, it would be awesome if you could describe your use case in more detail. It would help us better understand what you are trying to achieve :slightly_smiling_face:

The goal is to have a Survey on my website to make getting in touch with us more interactive. I have a tattoo business so to get more specific, the survey would be a series of questions to Learn more about the client request.

Having something a bit more interactive and user-friendly but also a great tool to get information quicker. As opposed to the traditional get in touch area with only a message box.

Although a form is another great option that I am currently using. The survey is catered more for clients, who are curious, and not ready to fully commit. A way for us to get to know our audience.

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A post was split to a new topic: FAQ font customization

I donā€™t understand, this has been on the roadmap for some time now, and you have a page promoting it that sends the message that it is ready to be used now. Is this false advertising or am I missing something?


Hi @user8637, Iā€™m really sorry that this page confused you. The thing is that we do have the Poll widget on the roadmap, but we havenā€™t started working on it yet. We, however, are happy to hear and collect your ideas and use cases, so youā€™re welcome to share them in this thread.

As for the page itself, we also have plans to rebuild it to make it less confusing and more straightforward. I believe weā€™ll make the adjustments during Q2-Q3.

Thank you for your comment, @user8637! If thereā€™s anything else I could help you with, just let me know.

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The developers should make a poll widget that lets the curator make a poll for the consumers to respond to.
Which includes:
. Reply/Comment
. Multiple Questions (if needed)

The poll widget could help the creator generate ideas for better items for the consumers to enjoy.

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Hey there @GalacticNetwork :wave:

Glad to tell you that we already have such a request in the Wishlist. Iā€™ve moved your comment to the dedicated topic, where weā€™ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you so much for sharing your feedback with us!

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ANY UPDATES? YOUR WEBSITE SHOWS IT IS LIVE?? Poll Form widget for your website ā€” Create a vote without coding!

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Hi @Gianna_Mazur and welcome aboard :wave:

I sincerely apologize for any confusion arising from this situation!

Iā€™d like to assure you that It was never our intention to mislead you in any way. We have a dedicated page for the unreleased apps, where itā€™s mentioned that we are just gathering feedback on this app:

I agree that this caption may not be very attention-grabbing, and weā€™ll try to make the info in this section as transparent as possible.

As for the Poll app, we see that itā€™s gaining votes and realize its importance to you. This year, we have plans to actively develop new widgets, and weā€™ll prioritize them based on the number of votes they receive.

We promise to keep you informed about any progress :slightly_smiling_face:

Many thanks for sharing your feedback with us, itā€™s much appreciated!

Thank you! I used the form builder and customized it to accomplish the same thing.


Happy to see you on the forum, @user4628!

Itā€™s fantastic that youā€™ve found a solution with the Form Builder widget! Could you share your use case or perhaps show off your widget to the community? Iā€™m sure it will be super helpful for many users :blush:

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I did not find a solution with the form builder.

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Yes, probably @user4628 will share the use case with us, Iā€™m curious, too :slight_smile:

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what does that mean, share my use case?

Hi @user4628 :wave:

We would really appreciate it if you could share with the Community how you are using the Form Builder widget to create polls.

Your insights could be incredibly useful for many users. If you could provide a brief description or a screenshot, that would be fantastic :star_struck:

Then why are there ā€œGet Startedā€ buttons on the page if youā€™re not wanting to be confusing? The images on the page imply that this widget actually exists. One could interpret, ā€œGathering Feedbackā€ as the function of the widget itself.

Iā€™ve wasted too much time trying to find this on your site.

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Hi there @Candyce_Edelen :wave:

I am deeply sorry for all the frustration caused by this situation!

Your comments totally make sense, and I couldnā€™t agree more that the info on these pages should be revised. Iā€™ve shared your feedback with our team and weā€™ll do our best to make the info in this section as clear as possible.

Many thanks for pointing us in this direction, thatā€™s much appreciated!

Thanks for your good support Michel.J






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