Widget Request: Allow Customer to Upload a Document at Checkout

Hello. Many of our customers are tax exempt. Is there a way to create a widget where they can upload their tax exempt certificate at checkout so that we can process their order without taxes? Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi there @user11063 :wave:

Basically, you can add a File field in our Form Builder app and use it as a document uploader:


However, I am not sure how the certificate verification should be handled. The customer uploads the certificate, you get it on your email, check the details and only after this the payment can be completed, right?

Also, could you please send me a link to the page and specify the exact place where you’d like the widget to be installed? I’ll be happy to check if anything can be done :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, Max!

Thank you so much for your reply! Ideally, yes. We would like to have some way where the customer can upload the certificate, we get a notification via email, and this way we can verify the certificate before the payment/order is processed.

It would appear in the page below (your cart only shows if you have an item in it).

Thank you!

