Widget random timing

I love this little widget! As well as offering random sales notifications, make the timing random as well, so they are not popping up on a predictable basis.

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Hi @Susan_Hunter_Guise :wave:

Do I understand right that you’d like the Notification Interval to be always changing?

Yes, I’d like it to be variable too!

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You’d like to some other options be random as well, right?

Could you please describe what other features you mean under the random timing?

Sure. Let’s call the item I have created a sale (button and text and image). The sales should be randomly shown at random times ranging from 5 second to a minute, whatever ranges you have. Nothing should be predictable. Is it clear?

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Hi @Susan_Hunter_Guise :wave:

Just to clear things up, you’d like to have 2 options: Random Notification interval and random display duration. Am I right?


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Thank you!

I’ve forwarded your request to the devs. I’ll report back once the solution is ready :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s super! Thanks!

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@Susan_Hunter_Guise Thank you for waiting!

We’ve added this code to the Custom JS section on the Style tab of your widget’s settings:

const MIN_DELAY = 40;
const MAX_DELAY = 180;

const MIN_DURATION = 5;
const MAX_DURATION = 15;

const WIDGET_ID = '3b741b6d-6f87-43a3-b0ed-1e3656806951';

const NOTIFICATION_SELECTOR = `.eapps-sales-notification-${WIDGET_ID}-custom-css-root [class*='slide-in__ActivatePointerEvents-sc']`;
const CLOSE_BTN_SELECTOR = '[class*="close-button__CloseButtonContainer-sc"]';

const waitForElem = (selector) =>
  new Promise((resolve) => {
    if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
      return resolve(document.querySelector(selector));

    const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
      if (document.querySelector(selector)) {

    observer.observe(document.body, {
      childList: true,
      subtree: true,

const getRandom = (min, max) =>
  Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);

waitForElem(NOTIFICATION_SELECTOR).then((container) => {
  container.style.transition = '0.4s';

  const callback = (mutationList) =>
    mutationList.forEach(({ type, addedNodes: [addedNode] }) => {
      if (type !== 'childList' || !addedNode) return;

      container.style.transform = 'translateX(-200%)';

      const hideDuration = getRandom(MIN_DELAY, MAX_DELAY) * 1000;

      setTimeout(() => {
        container.style.transform = 'translateX(0%)';

        const displayDuration = getRandom(MIN_DURATION, MAX_DURATION) * 1000;

        const closeBtn = addedNode.querySelector(CLOSE_BTN_SELECTOR);

        const closeNotification = () => {

          if (document.querySelector(CLOSE_BTN_SELECTOR) === closeBtn) {
            setTimeout(closeNotification, displayDuration);

        setTimeout(closeNotification, displayDuration);
      }, hideDuration);
  const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
  observer.observe(container, { childList: true });

To make it work correctly, the Close button should be enabled (screenshot 1) and these settings shouldn’t be changed (screenshot 2):

Try it out and let me know how it worked :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Max,

All settings were ok. I’m running on my website but I can’t say I’ve seen the timing variation although I know it’s there. I get a bit distracted and look away!

Thank you for adding this feature to the widget! I really like it.

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I want this as well. I applied the JS code and set settings as suggested on screens 1 & 2, but didn’t work for me. I would like it to be unpredictable—a random interval of the notifications, for example, if you’ve got 3 types of notifications setup.

And random seconds interval. For example Jessica signed for a course - 3 minutes ago. That same notification could come around and say 1 minute ago.

My last question. Does the sales notification pick up on form completion on the website? For example, if Alex should sign up for a free taster class here https://www.floriditadance.com/voucher01 . Would the sale notification pick on that name and say “Alex just signed up for a free taster class?” Or will it always be Jessica?

Asking because when I was using ProveSource, the names were alternating as people entered their names on the form.

Thanks in advance for your response

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Hi there, @Floridita_Dance :wave:

  1. To make the code work, you should replace the widget ID from the code with the ID of your widget:

Try it out and let me know if it worked :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. I’ll check with the devs if it’s possible to randomly change Notification Time and update you tomorrow

  2. Currently, it’s impossible to do this, and I see that you’ve already found a request for this feature - API integration to pass info from the checkout

Thank you for waiting, @Floridita_Dance :wave:

Here is the solution from our devs to randomly change the Notification Time:

  style="display: none"
    const getRandomInt = (min, max) => {
      const minCeiled = Math.ceil(min);
      const maxFloored = Math.floor(max);
      return Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxFloored - minCeiled) + minCeiled);
    const timeContainer = document.querySelector(`[class*='content__Time-sc']`);
    timeContainer.textContent = `${getRandomInt(1, 20)} minutes ago`;

This code was added to the Message field of each notification through the Code Editor mode:

The random notification time will vary from 1 to 20 minutes, but you can change these values in the 12th line of the code:

Check it out and let me know if you like the result :slightly_smiling_face:

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