WhatsApp Widget On Multiple Sites Not Working


I have a few sites with the WhatsApp widget but had customers tell me today that when they click it, nothing appears and it doesn’t redirect them to WhatsApp. I’ve tested it myself and it’s not working on multiple sites.

Anyone else have this issue? Is the Elfsight server down? Please let me know ASAP.

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Hi @user29 :wave:

I am terribly sorry about all the inconvenience!

I’ve shared your request with the devs and will get back to you once any news come up.

The issue is fixed!

Could you please check your widgets and let me know how they work?

Hi Max,

they are all working now, thank you very much for the update.

Kind regards,

Sales Manager

T: 0800 470 0990
E: info@upvcsprayworks.co.uk
W: www.upvcsprayworks.co.uk

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Great! Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention, that’s much appreciated :slightly_smiling_face: