Use same content on multiple pages with different layout

I am facing an issue. I essentially want to use the same widget content on multiple pages. On the first page, I want it in a grid layout, on the second page, I want a list layout, and on another, I want a slider layout – all with the same contents displayed everywhere. Is there a simpler way I can achieve this so that when I change or add new content, it gets populated everywhere automatically?

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Hi there @Randhir_ek :wave:

Great news - we have a solution for your case! You can use the dynamic layouts option to display different layouts on multiple pages within one widget. Here is an article where you can find more info - How to dynamically change the Event Calendar layout - Elfsight Help Center

If you have any further questions, we are always here for you :wink:

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Thanks Max For the solution…

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You are welcome :wink:

But is there a way to do customization on it ?

I have a list layout, but on the grid layout i want to show specific number of posts. also want to remove the sorts buttons,image button,location etc.

is that possible ?

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Hi @Randhir_ek :wave:

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to customize layouts this way. To do this, you’ll need 2 different widgets.