[Solved] Some of my apps are hidden / no longer appear

Hello everyone,

I just noticed that some of my apps are hidden or no longer appear on my website.

The number of monthly views for some applications is not even calculated anymore.

The affected apps are:
Testimonials slider.

Event calendar.

Job board.

I will send you the address of the sites concerned by MP when you have taken care of my problem.

Thanks in advance for your response and help.

Good day.

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Hi @romano97002 :wave:

I am so sorry about this inconvenience!

I’ve checked your account and see that all the widgets are active. To identify the reason for the issue, could you please send me direct links to the webpage where these widgets should be displayed.

I’ll be happy to look into this for you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello again @Max and thank you for answering me,

I send you the addresses by MP since the sites are private sites for friends.


Good day.


PM sent!

Thank you in advance for your help.

Good day.

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Hello @Max and thank you for your answer,

Sorry for the delay.

Everything is working. My apps now display without issue.

Thank you so much.

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