Smaller or more compact

Love the new widget. I would love two things which I am sure is being worked on. First; maintaining list view on mobile. Second; smaller or more compact over all to appear simillier to list view on event calendar. Flexability to adjust it anyway. Thanks

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Hi there, @Rev_Devan :wave:

Unfortunately, the List layout for the mobile view isn’t supported now, but this request is already on the Wishlist. You can upvote it here - Vertical layout for mobile view

Regarding more compact display, would you like to reduce the height of the images and event boxes, or you’d prefer to adjust the spacing between events?

Great, yeah I think make the boxes and images smaller. but possibly both.

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Here is the code from our devs:

.es-event-card-content-image {
  height: 200px!important;

.es-list-track-event-column {
  gap: 20px;

.es-event-card-content-wrapper {
  padding: 15px 25px 10px;

.es-event-card-container {
  min-height: 0!important;

Please add it to the Custom CSS field on the Settings tab of your widget’s settings and let me know if it helped :wink:

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