Send Results to email/spreadsheet

Hi Helga, at the risk of jumping on the bandwagon here we, and a lot of other people it would seem, are eagerly awaiting the release of this feature. Is it possible to provide some indication of when this is realistically going to be ready? If we knew (and I hope I can speak for most people on this thread), at that point we all have a clear decision to make; wait another week/month or find an alternate solution.


I am waiting too :))


Friends, thanks so much for your feedback! We totally get how frustrating the wait is — this is the feature our whole team is really excited about, too.

I’ve had a chat with the devs, and they’re doing everything they can to release this feature this week. While this timeline is still approximate, we’re doing our best to meet it :pray:t2:

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding!!


Bandwagon engaged!


Hi folks,

Any update from the development team?


Hi @Gareth_Barry,

The feature is back in the Code Review stage again — fingers crossed it passes through this time!

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Hi Helga,

Thank you for the update. Much appreciated.


Hello, when can we expect the release?


Hey @Andrius_Lideikis!

I hope I’m not jinxing it (:sweat_smile:), but this feature might be out in a couple of days! I see that it’s finally come through the Code Review and Business Review stages, meaning it’s ready to be released!

Awaiting with bated breath :star_struck:



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Literally checking this thread twice a week. :slight_smile:

Would be great if you released a beta version- an imperfect lead form is better than no lead form.


Hi, waiting desperately :), fingers crossed, any ETA for release?


Guys, your patience is something else, thank you so much for bearing with us!

You know, I think our developers are going to hate me for endlessly demanding updates on this feature, but I’m not giving up :sweat_smile:

Here’s the situation: all the stages have been completed, and right now we’re focused on actually rolling it out and making sure everything’s in order. The ETA is this week! And I reckon it better be this week :smiley:

I’ll keep you posted!


Thanks Helga. We appreciate the persistence and understand the technical hurdles with getting a beta into the active coding.
Looking forward to this much needed feature and please keep us posted. Do you have an understanding of how the new feature will work? Email results to address via form? Save results to google spreadsheet, etc?

Will this feature be rolled out to all users or is it an option in the settings? What happens to our existing calculators etc? Should we be creating backups in anticipation and if so what’s the best way to go about this. Thank you and please let us know.


Thank you for your comment, @user16904!

Yes, it should work the same way as in our Form Builder widget — you’ll be able to set an email to receive results, as well as set up an integration with Google Sheets :slight_smile:

Absolutely, these features will be available for all users once the update is released, and it won’t affect your current widgets at all. That said, there shouldn’t be any issues with this update, so no need to worry.

I’ll keep you in the loop!


Dear friends,

The wait is over, and we are happy to announce that this feature has just been released :tada:

Check this post to see how it works :wink: - Calculator: Send calculation results directly to email! 🚀


A post was split to a new topic: Redirect to URL after sending a calculator form

6 posts were split to a new topic: Hide results from widget but send them to users