Say Hello to AI Calculator Generator! 🔥

Hey everyone :wave:

We’re thrilled to announce a game-changing addition to our Calculator widget — the AI Generator!

This feature not only takes the headache out of creating complex calculators, but also customizes each one to fit your needs, bringing your user experience to a whole new level :top:

How does it work?

  1. Describe your use case and then click Generate.

  2. Voila! You’ve got a complete calculator with the relevant fields and precise formulas.

If you prefer to build a calculator yourself, but struggling with the specific calculation, AI Formula Generator should be just the thing for you :slightly_smiling_face:

Watch this video to see the feature in action:

Note: You can use any language, it will work perfectly fine!

Did the AI Generator make creating calculators easier for you? What unique calculators has it created to help you with your tasks? Share your examples in the comments - we’d love to see what you’ve got :star_struck:


A post was split to a new topic: BMI calculator Muscle mass index

I’m currently in the process of creating a small tutorial about the new calculator widget

  • The absolute highlight for me is that I can have a complete calculator widget generated via AI Promt.
  • In my national language DE
    Really great team Elfsight

Rental Property Calculator = Mietobjektrechner

Prompt: create a rental property calculator and make sure to comply with legal requirements within Germany

and I entered the prompt in German, thats awesome


Looks fab, @Dirk, many thanks for sharing! :star_struck:

Glad to see that other languages work well too! :clap:t2:


It actually works surprisingly well!


We’re super happy to hear that, @Lawn_Logic! :star_struck:

Feel free to share a screenshot of your widget, we’re all curious!

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can’t I copy the solar calculator code?

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Hi @user13425 :wave:

You’d like just to duplicate your widget, right? If I misunderstood your idea, please elaborate on what you mean :slightly_smiling_face:

It actually works thanks, also discovered a amazing online calculator.


@Ian_Bell Amazing, thank you for the feedback!

By the way, we’ve just launched a new challenge, where you can win a 3-month extension to your subscription (2-week bonus guaranteed).

The task is really simple: answer 3 simple questions about our new apps. For instance, you can share your thoughts about the Calculator app with us.

Check the details and jump in! We’d love to see you as a participant :wink: