Reviews: Align Review Cards by Height in Carousel and Grid layouts! 🔥

You’ve asked and we’ve finally done it!

Now you can align review cards by height in Carousel and Grid layouts of our Reviews apps :rocket:

How does the feature work?

  • The height of all cards will match the card with the greatest height.

  • Review text will expand as much as possible to fill the available space in the card.

  • The height of the cards in the Grid layout is aligned by default. The new setting just aligns the cards elements (like photos and source logos) and make the text fill the space in a neat way.

  • Height alignment in the Carousel works only if the layout has a single row and at least two columns.

  • When the height alignment is enabled, reviews will be opened in a popup.

Watch this video to see the feature in action:

Guys, have you tested the new feature? What’s your take on it? Don’t hold back from sharing your thoughts in the comments – we’d love to hear from you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you.

I just try it but I noticed it does the job on PC, on mobile still the height difference.

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Hi there @Samuel_Gonzalez :wave:

This happens because of the 4th point:

I see that in your case Carousel layout has only 1 column on mobile, that’s why the alignment doesn’t work. However, if you increase the number of columns on mobile (you can do this in the Columns section on the Layout tab), the feature will work.

Let me know if you have any further questions :slightly_smiling_face:

I think for mobile, the best is 1 colum for ux/ui experience


Absolutely, I agree!

Just wanted to bring it up so you can check if the feature works with multiple columns on mobile. :slightly_smiling_face:

A post was split to a new topic: Align Reviews by height when layout has 1 column only

A post was split to a new topic: Aligned by height reviews are not displayed on Safari
