Refresh rate is to long


For the website I’m working on I recently added the Google Review “tag” from Elfsight. But the only big downside is that we have to wait almost 1/2 months before the reviews will be refreshed on our website.

Is there some way this can go quicker, say like every two days or something?

Link to the page with the widget in question:


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Hello @user2154 and welcome to Elfsight Community :heart: :rocket:

I am so sorry for all the frustration caused!

I’ve checked your website and everything is working fine.

Do I correctly understand that you mean views limit?

If so, unfortunately, the views refresh only once a month, we cannot change it on our side. I’m sorry!

In case I misunderstood you, could you please elaborate on your request?

I’ll be happy to double-check everything for you!

“Do I correctly understand that you mean views limit?” - NO, he ment refresh of actual reviews that was given in external page. For example FaceBook or Google site gets new review from a client - but it does not appear in your plugin. Can you provide info, how often reviews is refreshed (crawled)? And is there any setting that we can press manually to make reviews refresh?

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Hi there @MailDovis :wave:

Our Reviews widgets use a cache system to make everything load faster and reduce the server load. So the reviews are updated every 72 hours.

If it’s been more than 72 hours, and the reviews still haven’t appeared, please let me know. I’ll be happy to look into this for you :slightly_smiling_face:

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