Presentation App

Presentation app that doesn’t need PDFs and can work direct from PowerPoint or Keynote as flattened pages or with the text blocked for coping.

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Hi Phil and thanks for your listing. I’m glad I came across this. I’m about to create a Powerpoint presentation to be used on my website also and was wondering if Elf had an app to accomplish this? Right now the only way I can embed it is to use SlideShare. Any ideas?

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Hi Mike,

not that I’m aware, I guess if enough of ask them for something then they’ll make it. It would good to have something like this that clients can view but not take. The only other way is a Slider app and attach the slides as images ?

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I’m looking forward to Elf creating this app. But until then, try Slideshare. It’s free and will convert your PPT into an HTML code you can embed in your website.

Cheers Mike,

I might give that a go. May even work for what I need.

@Trainerw, @PhilTheHat thank you very much for your interest in this app! I’m really sorry that it’s still in our Coming Soon project :frowning:

Yes, I’m afraid we don’t have an app to support such a use case at the moment - the only app I could think of is the Photo Gallery, which has a Copy Protection option.

Screenshot 02-13-2023 10.09.43

Anyways, I’ll keep you updated on how things are going, and thanks a lot for your patience!