Open Calculator from a floating button

I want to use my discount calculator in a floating sticky bottun

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Hi there :wave:

If I got you right, you have a custom floating button on your website and you’d like to integrate your Calculator widget there.

If it is, please send me a link to this page. I’ll be happy to check things for you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, Is it possible to use the widget as a floating button without an external button plugin? Cost Calculator plugin supports this feature.

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Unfortunately, currently there is no option to do this. However, we agree that it would be awesome to have this feature in the settings. We’ll try to think about this opportunity in the future :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve added this idea to the Wishlist on your behalf - Open Calculator using a floating button

If you decide to open a Calculator widget via an external button, please let me know. I’ll be happy to check if anything can be done.

Yes please. I tried to use the embed code of my widget with buttonizer, but it wasn’t successful.

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Please send me a link to the page where the widget should be installed and specify the button you’d like to use :slightly_smiling_face: