Need To Add Custom Filters

Welcome to the Community, @user14376 :wave:

Glad to say that this is already on the Wishlist! I’ve moved your comment to the thread, where we’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

Could you just specify which additional filters you’d like to have?

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Hi guys, just to clarify my request, if you can let us choose what filters - it would be amazing!!! Personally, I need at least: Price Range, Individual / Group, # of people in the session (in my case, from 1 to 100+), Location (city, country), Language, and Event Macro Host Name + if you can let us filter by a Tag - it would be awesome! I’m happy to jump on a call and elaborate on this!
Regards, Veronika

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Thanks for sharing the details, Veronika!

We’ll have it in mind :slightly_smiling_face:

A post was split to a new topic: Issue with the filter names