Need To Add Custom Filters

Hi , I just want to chime in again that with the new release of the calendar and the ability to add a calendar to a page with custom filters, this is the next logical step in that direction. For us, it’s honestly the only missing feature that exists. We have 8 different offices that host a variety of “topic areas” and it would be great to either

A. Filter by Tag (we can’t do this , correct?)
B. Create a custom filter (we can now create specific calendars based on filters, so this would create exponential functionality).

Also, I know it’s not always possible in app development to have solid timelines due to the nature of how projects flow, but knowing if it’s actually on the roadmap or just a “nice piece of conversation” is important. This ticket was created more than 4 years ago, so from a customer perspective, it seems like it’s not in development at all, so hearing it is a “consideration” and not in development makes me think it is not going to happen (or could be another 4 years).

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Hi @Matthew7 :wave:

I completely understand your concerns about the timeline for this feature, and we genuinely apologize for the delay in delivering it :pensive:

I’ve talked to the devs and they’ve confirmed that we have plans for the task, but it requires some technical adjustments that we’re currently working on. That’s why it’s hard to share any ETA at the moment.

We promise to keep a close eye on its progress and promptly update you here. Hopefully, we’ll be able to release this feature sooner than later.

Thanks a million for understanding and such a valuable feedback! It’s highly appreciated, as it helps us set priorities and move in the right direction :hearts: