Multiple sources within 1 widget

For businesses with multi-site presence, it would be great to be able to offer a consolidated feed of a random selection of the most recent reviews from all locations, in order to present a complete picture of the company as a whole!


Please give us the option of adding another Google source/place to the Google Reviews widgets so that we can show reviews from more than one physical store in the carousel/list.


Original comment from Ben Alborough transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

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Hello Ben, thanks a lot for your comment and suggestion!

It sounds totally understandable and reasonable, and I do hope our devs will find it possible to make it happen :slight_smile:

I also hope you know that your use case is already doable with our All-in-One-Reviews app (Embed All-in-One Reviews widget on your Website (in 2 minutes)) , which supports 20+ different sources, let alone multiple sources :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Helga, Community Manager

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Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 2

Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 1

Hello Steven,

Thank you for submitting your idea!

We’ll try to think over a possibility to add support for several businesses in our Google Reviews.

But meanwhile, I’d love to say that our All-in-One-Reviews widget does let you add as many locations as you need. Please have a look and test it here - Embed All-in-One Reviews widget on your Website (in 2 minutes)

If you have any other thoughts or suggestions, please do let me know :slightly_smiling_face:

Helga, Community Manager

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I would like to be able to merge the reviews of all the franchise points of a franchise into one widget


Happy that you’ve decided to join us! Welcome :wave:

I totally agree that it would be a perfect addition and we already have such a request in our Wishlist. I’ve merged your idea with the dedicated thread where we’ll post the updates :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

As for now, you can check our All-in-One Reviews app, where you can add multiple Google sources within 1 widget.

This would be perfect for us. It’s the one feature we miss from Smash Balloon Reviews which allowed you to consolidate reviews from multiple sources in one widget.

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Hey @Simon_Earle :wave:

We do understand that it would be a perfect feature for our Google Reviews app. Hope the devs will find a solution, and I’ll make sure to update you here once I have any news :slightly_smiling_face:

As for now, you are very welcome to check our All-in-One Reviews app where you can add multiple sources within one widget.

Connect many GMB pages reviews to one widget

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Hello there and welcome aboard @user9779 :wave:

We already have a similar request on our Wishlist, and I’ve just added your request there too. You can keep an eye on all the updates right here :wink:

In the meantime, you can check our All-in-One Reviews app where you can add multiple sources within one widget.

I’d like to pull all the Google Reviews from multiple locations and display them all, with the newest on top. The current widget for this only allows for ONE location.


Welcome to the Community @Daniel_Corbett :wave:

We already have such a request in the Wishlist. I’ve moved your comment to the dedicated discussion, where we’ll keep you informed about any changes.

As a workaround, you can try using our All-in-One Reviews app where you can add multiple Google sources within a widget :slightly_smiling_face:

We would also need this feature to consider signing up for the service. And would need the option to order them by newest reviews first.
Even better if we could also have the option to display which of our locations each review came from

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Hi @Ronan_M :wave:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

We’ll try to think in this direction in the future. If any news comes up, I’ll promptly inform you here :slightly_smiling_face:

i just swapped over from yext and it’s very disappointing that this isn’t offered for elf sight. Please give and ETA for this feature. I want to display three locations of Google Reviews into one widget.

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Hey there @Eagle_Eye_Secure_Sto :wave:

I see you’ve tried the workaround mentioned earlier by using our All-in-One Reviews widget for this case.

However, I completely agree that it would be amazing to have this feature in the Google Reviews app. I am afraid it’s hard to give the ETA for this feature, but we’ll make sure to update you as soon as we receive any news :slightly_smiling_face:

A huge thank you for the feedback!